Fairmount Ventures Offers $10,000 in Consultation Services to Small Nonprofits

Fairmount Ventures, a consultancy firm for Philadelphia’s nonprofit sector, launched a program last year called Fairmount4Free (F4F) which provided $10,000 in services free-of-charge to small nonprofits. Last year’s winners were PhilaSoup and the African Family Health Organization (AFHO).
Now, F4F is seeking proposals for its second round of the program. This year just one organization will be chosen to receive the full $10,000 in services. The recipient must also have organizational budget no greater than $250,000 and constituent that reside to some extent in Philadelphia.
There are three categories in which F4F will provide guidance: strategic alignment, programmatic assessment and funding strategy. Generally, the program is designed to to help the organization develop a plan for growth and then build the framework to make it happen.
Generocity also previously reported on another pro bono service provided by Fairmount Ventures called PHL NeXT, which provides training for new nonprofit executives.
Letters of interest for F4F must be submitted by August 7, 2013. For more information about the program and past winner click here.
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