Aug. 9, 2023 6:09 am
Uniting for a Just Philadelphia
Philadelphia is taking concrete steps on reparations, what is Philanthropy's role in supporting it?

Jul. 5, 2023 8:56 am
Standing on the Promise
Understanding the commitments made to our communities and how far we still have to go.

Jun. 21, 2023 8:35 am
Philly’s Violence Prevention Grant Program Brought Mixed Results. Now What?
The city awarded 31 community groups between $100,000 and $1 million each. Not all participants are reapplying.

Jun. 21, 2023 8:14 am
Gun Violence Report: Dollars and Sense
$63.5 million in government funding to local organizations: What was the goal and was it successful?

May 2, 2023 7:19 am
The Intersection of Philanthropy and Government
Where government ends, philanthropy often begins - an explainer

Feb. 22, 2023 6:13 am
From Disenfranchisement To Empowerment: Uplifting Neighborhoods
How local organizations are overcoming 50 years of overlooked legislation to reinvest in communities.

Mar. 10, 2022 6:30 am
How could Philly’s PILOT (Payments in Lieu of Taxes) program get better?
17% of Philadelphia's real estate value is exempt, leaving almost $500 million untapped. Consider a case study from Boston on improving the program.

Jan. 7, 2022 10:00 am
Will philanthropy commit to racial equity progress?
Is philanthropy ready for radical change? Or is this moment a passing, superficial change?

Dec. 6, 2021 7:00 am
Nonprofit fundraisers: this is your moment
A third of all annual giving takes place in the average December, and it's rare that both need and funds are high. They are now.

Nov. 26, 2021 7:45 am
How the pandemic is changing individual nonprofit donors
Giving Tuesday 2020 broke all previous records. Will 2021 do it again? The results could predict a new era of individual donations