Social Impact Across the US: Steady Gains on Gay Marriage, Major Loss for Renewable Energy
February 10, 2015 Category: PurposeThis week in Social Impact Across the U.S.:
Some Alabama counties are now providing marriage licences to same-sex couples despite resistance from the state Supreme Court. The New York Times reports on the messy but hopeful progress being made in the Bible Belt state.
The Nonprofit Quarterly breaks down what nonprofits should know about the proposed 2016 federal budget, including changes in major subsidy programs, such as New Market Tax Credits, that nonprofits depend on.
Washington Post’s Wonkblog reveals how major food companies are selling more of their packaged goods in discount stores and shrinking packaging to create the illusion of affordability. The shift has implications for food access and affordability in urban communities where residents often do their shopping at discount grocery stores and dollar stores.
Grist reports that West Virginia, whose economy leans heavily on the coal industry, has abandoned its renewable energy standard. The state’s goal was to meet 25 percent of their energy needs with renewable sources by 2025. It is the first state to completely rollback a renewable energy standard.
Chief Innovation Officers, a government position first created in Maryland, have popped up across the country. But do they deliver? Pew Charitable Trust’s Stateline investigates.
What do you think about what’s happening in social impact across the U.S.? How might Philly learn from other cities and states? Please leave a comment to help us bring the national and local conversations together.
Photo via Flickr user Nelson Minar