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Resource list: Neighbors helping neighbors in the time of COVID-19

April 6, 2020 Category: FeaturedLongPurpose
Philadelphians may have a reputation for pelting Santa with snowballs, but when it comes to something real, you can’t find fault with Philadelphia’s heart.

As the coronavirus pandemic has hit our city, not only has the municipal government, nonprofits, foundations, etc. stepped up to help those who will be most impacted by COVID-19, so have neighborhoods and communities.

Especially impressive are the number of mutual aid groups — voluntary reciprocal exchanges of resources and services — operating in the city. We’ve listed a number of those here, along with two mutual aid groups that have formed in Berks and Lancaster counties.

As always with these resource lists, this is a work in progress. Scroll to end of the article to find a button you can click to send us information about any efforts we should add to the listing.

Care Web for Philadelphia’s Disability Community During COVID-19

“If you’re in Philadelphia and are a disabled person or ally of disability community, we’ve created a care web to get through COVID-19. A care web is a system of mutual aid and interdependence where we help each other instead of trying to get through this alone.

Si se encuentra en Filadelfia y es una persona discapacitada o un aliado de la comunidad de discapacitados, hemos creado una red de cuidado durante la pandemia de  COVID-19. Una red de cuidado es un sistema de apoyo mutuo donde nos ayudamos mutuamente en lugar de tratar de superarlo solos.”

Collective Success Community Help for Displaced College Students

“The Collective Success Network is a Philadelphia-based non-profit whose mission is to support low-income/first-generation (LIFG) college students. During this challenging period, we are committed to supporting LIFG students displaced by campus closings to get the help and resources needed to navigate COVID-19 emergency measures.

Collective Success Network es una organización sin fines de lucro con sede en Filadelfia cuya misión es apoyar a los estudiantes universitarios de bajos ingresos/primera generación (LIFG). Durante este período desafiante, nos comprometemos a apoyar a los estudiantes de LIFG desplazados por el cierre del campus para obtener la ayuda y los recursos necesarios para navegar las medidas de emergencia de COVID-19.”

From our Partners

Hope for Hospitality Fund (Give) (Get)

“Our initial goal of $12K is enough to provide 25 hospitality workers in need with $400 to help alleviate the stress of the current shortfall. We hope this will facilitate the ability of recipients to meet minimum financial obligations (burdens which have not disappeared along with their jobs) until hoped-for government aid programs are in place. [This will be] a one time donation of $400 dollars to individuals. Donations will be made on a first-come, first-served basis to hospitality workers who request need to Hope For Hospitality by completing a Donation Request Form.

Nuestro objetivo inicial de $12K es suficiente para proporcionar $400 para 25 trabajadores de hospitalidad que lo necesitan para ayudar a aliviar el estrés del déficit actual. Esperamos que esto les facilite cumplir con obligaciones financieras mínimas (cargas que no han desaparecido junto con sus trabajos) hasta que se establezcan los programas de ayuda gubernamental esperados. Esta será una donación única de $400 dólares a individuos. Las donaciones se realizarán por orden de llegada a los que soliciten ayuda de Hope For Hospitality completando un formulario de solicitud de donación.”

Kidcare Co-op of Spruce Hill & University City

“We understand that as a healthcare worker, you might be scrambling for childcare during this COVID-19 outbreak. We are currently managing a list of local Philadelphia nannies and caregivers who are willing to provide childcare for your children during this time.

Como alguien que presta servicio médico o atención sanitaria durante la pandemia de COVID-19, puede que usted tenga dificultad en encontrar una niñera dispuesta a cuidar a sus niños. Nosotros administramos una lista de niñeras y proveedores de cuidado de niños en Filadelfia que están dispuestos a proporcionar ese cuidado.”

Philadelphia: Poor People’s Army Response to CoronaVirus Mutual Aid

“We are dedicated to responding to the dire needs of poor and homeless people across the U.S. during this crisis. We will focus on getting poor and homeless people the food and supplies they need, childcare, looking in and delivering to elderly, and advocacy and information.

Estamos dedicados a responder a las necesidades extremas de las personas pobres y sin hogar en los Estados Unidos durante esta crisis. Nos enfocaremos en brindar a las personas pobres y sin hogar la comida y los suministros que necesitan, cuidado de niños, atención y entrega a ancianos, y defensa e información.”

Philadelphia Writers Emergency Fund

“The Philadelphia Writers Emergency Fund is a donation-based resource to provide aid to writers, independent booksellers, and those who work at independent presses that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic (also known as coronavirus). All three are vital pillars of the Philadelphia literary community and rely on in-public author events and everyday retail for their income. With the state- and city-mandated closure of nonessential retail and the limiting of public interactions, these revenue streams are likely to be curtailed for the weeks and months to come.

El Fondo de Emergencia para Escritores de Filadelfia es un recurso que depende de donaciones para proporcionar ayuda a los escritores, libreros independientes y aquellos que trabajan en imprentas independientes que han sido afectadas por la pandemia de COVID-19 (también conocido como coronavirus). Los tres son pilares vitales de la comunidad literaria de Filadelfia y dependen de eventos públicos y del comercio diario para sus ingresos. Con el cierre de los negocios no esenciales y la prohibición de reuniones públicas, es probable que estas fuentes de ingresos se vean reducidas en los meses venideros.”

Philly Mutual Aid — Neighbors Helping Neighbors

“Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) is a Black, Brown, & Native-led group of community members & organizers involved with radical social justice organizations around the city. We are neighbors concerned about our communities and helping to make sure those most vulnerable and affected by COVID-19 get the help they need. We are matching people in need with neighbors able to help. We offer support getting folks groceries, medicine, and supplies. We are volunteer run, we are not funded, and our aid comes directly from the community.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) es un grupo de organizadores comunitarios, liderado por afrodescendientes, indigenas y gente de etnia no caucásica, involucrados con organizaciones radicales de justicia social en la ciudad. Somos vecinos preocupados por nuestras comunidades y ayudamos a garantizar que las personas más vulnerables y afectadas por COVID-19 obtengan la ayuda que necesitan. Estamos emparejando a las personas necesitadas con vecinos capaces de ayudar. Ofrecemos asistencia para comprar alimentos, medicinas y suministros. Somos voluntarios, ninguna institución nos subvenciona, y nuestra ayuda proviene directamente de la comunidad.”

Philly Performance Artist Fund (Give) (Get)

“The Philadelphia Performing Artists’ Emergency Fund was created amid the COVID-19 outbreak to assist performing artists whose income has been impacted by show cancellations, slowing ticket sales, and/or low turnout during this pandemic. We are coming together as a community to lift each other up, and ensure we all make it through this together.

El Fondo de Emergencia de Artistas Escénicos de Filadelfia se creó para ayudar a los artistas escénicos cuyos ingresos se ven afectados por las cancelaciones de espectáculos,  disminución de las ventas de boletos y/o la baja participación durante esta pandemia. Nos estamos uniendo como comunidad para elevarnos mutuamente y asegurarnos de que superemos este momento juntos.”

Queer Writers of Color Relief Fund (Give) (Get)

“Many people, presses, journals, etc. have cancelled book tours and readings, which directly support writers; honestly, it puts money directly in their pockets, money that is needed for bills, medicine, food, transportation, creation, and more … This fund is to help at least 100 queer writers of color who have been financially impacted by the current COVID-19 [situation]. Priority will be given to queer trans women of color and queer disabled writers of color.

Muchas personas, editoriales, revistas, etc. han cancelado giros de libros y lecturas públicas, que apoyan directamente a los escritores; honestamente, que ponen dinero directamente en sus bolsillos, dinero que se necesita para pagar facturas, medicamentos, alimentos, transporte, y más … Este fondo es para ayudar por lo menos a 100 escritores queer y de color que han sido afectados financieramente por la situación de COVID-19. Se dará prioridad a las mujeres transgénero queer y de color y a los escritores queer y de color discapacitados.”

South Philly/Center City Community Care and Mutual Aid Signup for COVID19

“This project is not affiliated with any organization or government agency at this time, it’s just a group of concerned Philadelphians.

Este proyecto no está afiliado a ninguna organización o agencia gubernamental en este momento, es solo un grupo de residentes de Filadelfia interesados.”

And outside of Philadelphia:

Berks Mutual Aid Society/Sociedad de Ayuda Mutua Berks

“Berks Stands Up and Sunrise Berks are working together on a system of mutual aid to serve all residents of Berks County. We have compiled a running list of information and services – everything from CDC guidelines on how to manage stress to where folks can go for free meals – and we’ll keep this list updated throughout the crisis. We also have a team of calm, friendly people ready to help match your needs with available resources. Mutual aid works both ways. Please fill out this form if you need help navigating the system AND/OR you are willing to help.

Berks Stands Up y Sunrise Berks están trabajando juntos en un sistema de ayuda mutua para servir a todos los residentes del condado de Berks. Hemos completado una lista de información y servicios — desde las pautas del CDC sobre cómo manejar el estrés hasta dónde pueden ir las personas a comer gratis — continuaremos actualizando esta lista durante esta crisis. Nosotros contamos con un equipo de personas tranquilas y amigables listas para ayudar a satisfacer sus necesidades con los recursos que tenemos disponibles. La ayuda mutua funciona en ambos sentidos. Complete este formulario si necesita ayuda para navegar el sistema. Asimismo si está dispuesto a ayudar.”

Lancaster County Volunteers and Needs Form

“Many of us have our own support systems, families, friends and communities, who we will help and be helped by in challenging times. However, others do not. Local support networks are particularly important now that “social distancing” is critical for all people in order to prevent an acute community need for hospital use and to slow the spread of coronavirus. We would like to facilitate building a ‘hyper-local’ support network in our neighborhood.

Muchos de nosotros tenemos nuestros propios sistemas de apoyo — familias, amigos y comunidades — a quienes ayudaremos y de quienes recibiremos ayuda en tiempos difíciles. Sin embargo, otros no tienen esos sistemas de apoyo. Las redes de apoyo locales son particularmente importantes ahora que el “distanciamiento social” es crítico para todos, con el fin de prevenir una situación grave en los hospitales de la comunidad, y para reducir la propagación del coronavirus. Nos gustaría facilitar la construcción de una red de apoyo “hiperlocal” en nuestro vecindario.”

Help us continue building this resource! Tell us about your community’s efforts.

Here's a Philadelphia-area mutual aid group to list

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