Wednesday, February 12, 2025



A Generocity update, and our 2023 editorial calendar

February 1, 2023 Category: FeatureFeaturedMedia

Change is good. Sometimes hard, but part of life. There have been many changes in the philanthropic and social impact landscape at the local level over the past year.

And Generocity itself has gone through some changes, about which we’ll say more later. What we can say, however, is that we have been far busier behind the scenes than the last year of slower editorial output might suggest. In short, after seven years of stewardship by Technically Media, the publisher behind, I am taking on leadership of Generocity. I don’t know all of Generocity’s readers, but I’m a philanthropic sector veteran and a longtime Generocity contributor. I couldn’t be more excited to share with you what we have in store. Expect more in the coming months.

Until then, I’ll share that during this transition, I have taken the time to listen to many of you, our community — those who do the work, and those it impacted by it. From government and foundation leaders to nonprofit staffers and those they serve, we have learned how Generocity has supported you over the years and what you need now.

We’ve started this year back in the mix, beginning with the weekly newsletter format we kicked off last year. You’ll see even more of the reporting and storytelling that you came to expect from Generocity. For now, I’m proud to honor what has come before me, and also set our own path.

From our Partners

As we move through 2023, our editorial calendar will illuminate and challenge our local philanthropic landscape; hold its leadership, practices, and successes, its members, and our community accountable; while offering insights and resources to help you understand “how local policy impacts issues and the needs of the local community,” which leaders are effectively “working to influence problems and solutions in Philadelphia,” and what “resources” are available to support you and our community.

Our Calendar

  • February | Reinvestment
    Our communities have been historically disinvested in, what organizations are providing programming and dollars to uplift them.
  • March | Youth leadership
    If youth are the future, what are their thoughts? Programs and Solutions that are led by youth, working and advocating for change.
  • April | Housing/Homelessness
    From policies on tax abatements and shelters to affordable housing, how are we truly supporting those in need?
  • May | Politics & Philanthropy
    Where government stops, philanthropy starts. How can one be truly supportive of the other and how can both work together to uplift our communities?
  • June | Gun Violence and Public Safety
    From funding cohorts to public-private coalitions a lot has been implemented to address gun violence and public safety in Philadelphia, but what solutions are effective and needed?
  • July | Corporate Social Responsibility
    Three years removed from 2020, what corporations upheld their promises and what does it truly mean for corporations to be socially responsible?
  • August | Black Philanthropy Month
    Equitable giving and support of Philanthropy in Black and Brown Communities, what does it look like and which Black Philanthropists can we learn from?
  • September | Workforce Development What industries are booming and who is training those in need?
  • October |  Education
    New Superintendent, teachers resigning, and students needing support. What do our schools need and where can students go for support?
  • November | PHLanthropy
    What does our local philanthropic landscape look like and what needs to change?
  • December | Impact and Accountability
    One year into reporting on our 5 key issues what has changed and where do we go from here?

From investigative reporting and opinion pieces to crowdsourced solutions and advocacy, this calendar will take a look at the work being done, the lived experience and voices of those affected, and what still needs to change to make a real difference.

Interested in contributing ideas or writing an article that highlights the themes of the editorial calendar?

Email us at and include “Editorial calendar” in the subject line.



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