Tuesday, February 11, 2025



Here are 37+ organizations to donate to during #GivingTuesday (or, really, any day)

December 1, 2020 Category: FeaturedLongPurpose
GivingTuesday was launched in 2012 with a simple idea: to create a day that encourages people to do good. On #GivingTuesday, nonprofits around the world encourage their supporters to donate via the power of social media.

That day is today.

We’ve collected the responses from organizations that sent us information about their efforts (and left them in their own words), and combed through the Twitter #GivingTuesday hashtag to identify local nonprofits, big and small, that were actively doing outreach via that social media platform. We’ve also included several tweets from colleagues, guest columnists, etc., urging folks to support their favorite nonprofits — whether they have a #GivingTuesday campaign going or not.

Some of my favorite grassroots orgs Amistad Law Project, Bread & Roses Community Fund, New Sanctuary Movement of Philadelphia, VietLeadPhiladelphia Community Bail Fund, Juntos, La Puerta Abierta and Puentes de Salud, are among those that don’t seem to have #GivingTuesday campaigns going (at least not that I can see as I hit publish on this round-up), so I haven’t included them in the round-up that follows. But I encourage you to donate to them today (or any day) because they are doing great work that significantly helps some of the hardest-hit communities in Philly.

So, of course, this listing will, by its very nature, be woefully incomplete. We encourage you to explore the hashtag on your favorite social media platform as the day progresses to see other organizations participating in #GivingTuesday.

From our Partners

But more, we encourage you to give generously to our local nonprofits that work hard every year to make life in Philadelphia better, and that in this momentous and difficult 2020, have pivoted, scrambled, retooled and redoubled their efforts to meet the increased need.

Look through our listing of local organizations and get ready to give!

1. ACCT Philly

2. ACHIEVEability

Life-changing work.

2020 has been frustrating, inspiring, overwhelming, enlightening and many times simply heartbreaking. From a global pandemic to a racial reckoning, we’ve all been pushed to our limits and have had to lean on each other in ways that we never could have imagined. The culmination of this unprecedented year has left us fired up, with a focus stronger than ever to fulfill our mission of ending poverty.

We could not accomplish our work without the support of our dedicated stakeholders. Partners and friends are stepping up for our participants and community through financial and in-kind donations. This support is critical in helping individuals and families to sustain themselves through this crisis and beyond.

This Giving Tuesday, pledge your support and make a difference in the lives of families, business owners and the West Philadelphia community by donating this year.

Donate today.

3. A Second Chance Philadelphia

Foster care, kinship care.

A Second Chance, Inc. (ASCI) is a licensed 501(c)(3) foster care agency designed to meet the unique needs of kinship care families by providing an array of holistic, values-based services catering specifically to kinship families. Kinship care is the placement of out-of-home children with relatives or fictive kin. If you value family, you value kinship care.

A value for family is the foundation of our service. Through this value, we have developed a comprehensive framework of social services needed to authentically engage families. The agency continues to be recognized as a national kinship model in the delivery of kin services, and its work has been cited by organizations including the Urban Institute, Children’s Defense Fund, Casey Family Programs and the Annie E. Casey Foundation, to name a few. Currently, the agency works with well over 1,800 children and their families daily to ensure safety, permanency and well-being.

This Giving Tuesday, we are asking donors to help us give our kinship children a happy holiday by donating toys, games and other gifts, as well as making monetary donations so we may purchase gifts and provide gift cards to families.

For most children, the holiday season is a time of wonder and excitement. But for children in our care, this can be a very difficult time as they cope with uncertainty, trauma and healing, as well as being away from their birth parents. This is also an especially tough time given the financial challenges many of our families have seen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Donate today.

4. Asian Mosaic Fund

5. Bethesda Project

6. Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia

7. Black Theatre Alliance of Philadelphia

Putting a spin on Giving Tuesday — more micro grants!

As a national day dedicated to charitable donations, Giving Tuesday is usually characterized by small grassroots organizations asking for funds before the end of the year. The Black Theatre Alliance of Philadelphia (BTAP) steering committee decided that this day should also be a day to give back to the community.

Due largely to the generous donations received in the August announcement of the coalition, BTAP was able to award $200 micro grants to 29 amazing Black Philadelphia theater artists. As a burgeoning organization — composed of professional theatre artists from different walks of life, BTAP wanted to extend this support further before the onslaught of holiday shopping.

BTAP is excited to announce another round of $200 micro grants to the Black Philadelphia theatrical community (First time applicants only). Addressing the reason for this second round of micro grants, Lindsay Smiling, BTAP Steering Committee member said, “On the other side of this pandemic, we want Black artists financially poised to hit the ground running into the new year.”

More micro grant information can be found on BTAP’s website: www.blacktheatrephiladelphia.org and by following the group on Instagram @btaphilly. All allies of BTAP are encouraged to donate to the organization in order to buttress this Giving Tuesday initiative and to multiply and fortify the support for Black Philadelphian theatre artists.

8. Catholic Housing and Community Services

9. C.B. Community Schools

10. City Year Philadelphia

11. Congreso de Latinos Unidos

12. Education Law Center

13. Free Library of Philadelphia


14. Fringe Arts

15. Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance

Resource the creative community

Since March, the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance has stepped up in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and racial injustice to advocate and provide for our community. But this work is long term and we need your help to continue.

Now, more than ever, organizations and individuals are looking to the Cultural Alliance for advocacy, support and guidance.

The Cultural Alliance needs your support so we can continue to be the resource the creative community can count on. Please help us reach our goal of raising $7,500 by the end of the year.

Donate today.

16. Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia

This year, home means more.

Throughout 2020, we have missed many of our favorite traditions so we are going to celebrate Giving Tuesday in a uniquely Philadelphia way. Join Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia next week for our first-ever Virtual Block Party, where we aim to raise $50,000!

Follow along on Tuesday, December 1, as we bring a Philly block party to you, complete with friends, food, and music. We’ll share organization updates, a cooking video from a Habitat family, and hear a musical guest. We will even livestream the newest Habitat Homeowner, Clissita, receiving the keys to her home for the first time!

Donate today.

17. Hosts for Hospitals

Give the Gift of a Safe, Affordable, Worry-Free Place to Stay

Make a gift of any size so patient-families coming to Philadelphia for specialized medical care may have a safe and affordable place to stay!

  • Help sustain our outreach efforts to obtain long-term, multi-bedroom housing for more pediatric-families who, due to family-size, no longer qualify to stay at a Ronald McDonald House.
  • Allow us to have more housing available on short-notice for patients, or family members, when an emergency medical condition requires a last minute trip to a Greater Philadelphia hospital.
  • Help us expand the types and geographic range of housing we have to offer, so patient-families may be placed as near as possible to their treating hospital, and otherwise have their specific lodging needs met.
  • Will make possible for more patients to travel to receive medical care, like international patients who must quarantine before admission, and people who come from hours away to receive daily, out-patient radiation treatments.

Donate today.

18. Maternity Care Coalition

Be Part of the Support System That Never Stops

Two weeks after Maternity Care Coalition’s (MCC) annual Celebrating Mothers Brunch, we closed our offices due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Immediately, we began serving our clients and their families through virtual home visiting services, uninterrupted support, and with contactless relief supply deliveries families so urgently needed.

One of our MCC Advocates in Norristown, Rosa Suero, summed up our
efforts perfectly:

“Our team began virtual visits within 24 hours of working from home. It was hard at the beginning, but our clients saw they had a support system that never stopped, that said to them, ‘We’re not going to forget about you.’”

As we move through this pandemic, we ask you to show your support for families today.

Your gift today will enable us to provide families with basic essentials like diapers and wipes, but it will also support families in connecting to our virtual home visiting services with a tablet and unlimited data. Already, families are using their MCC-provided tablet for things like Telehealth, virtual school-aged learning, and adult education programs online.

Donate today.

19. Morris Animal Refuge

20. Philabundance

21. Philadelphia Annual Latino Film Festival

22. Philadelphia Bar Foundation

23. Philadelphia Corporation for Aging

Improve the quality of life for older adults and people with disabilities.

Each year, #GivingTuesday raises billions of dollars for critical causes around the world. Donations are crucial to an agency like PCA, which provides a variety of programs and services to improve the quality of life for approximately 140,000 older adults and those with disabilities, each year.

Each gift to the Rodney D. Williams Philadelphia Fund for Seniors helps to support PCA’s mission of improving the quality of life of older adults and people with disabilities by providing them with assistance to achieve their maximum level of health, independence and productivity. Philadelphia has the highest proportion of older adults in poverty of any of the ten largest cities in the United States, with over 20% of all older Philadelphians living below the federal poverty level.

For these groups, experiencing poverty can impact all aspects of life, including one’s health and wellbeing. PCA works to combat those effects by:

  • · Providing nourishment through our home-delivered and community-based meal programs.
  • · Providing socialization and resources through PCA-supported senior centers.
  • · Empowering individuals through evidence-based health promotion programs.
  • · Facilitating the transition back to the home after a surgery with in-home supports.
  • · Ensuring individuals reach critical medical appointments through brokered transportation services.

Those willing to give to PCA on #GivingTuesday also have the option to contribute to PCA’s Emergency Fund for Older Philadelphians ahead of the busy winter season. The fund helps to alleviate extreme hardship felt by seniors who may struggle paying for rent, utilities, food or life-saving medications. Last year, assistance with heating oil made up the majority of the funds dispersed, accounting for 43% of the nearly $136,000 total funds distributed.

Donate today.

24. Philly ASAP

25. Philly Family Pride

26. Philly Peace Park

27. PHL COVID-19 Fund

28. Prevention Point Philadelphia

29. Project 440

The gift of music

After a year of growth and development, we are challenging our supporters to help us reach our goal of $20,000 in donations in the month of December. Let’s set up your plan to give!


  • Donate directly on the Project 440 website.
  • Set up a Facebook fundraiser benefiting Project 440. Tell your friends and family about our work — and how they, too, can support our students!
  • Shop using Amazon Smile. All your purchases will remain the same price, and 0.5% will be donated to Project 440.


Your donations ensure Project 440 can continue and expand our life-changing programs for students in the city of Philadelphia and beyond. At Project 440, we are using music to teach students essential life skills, community service, and entrepreneurship — every donation is used to further that work.

How much?

The short answer: Whatever you can.

A $10 donation would pay one student’s stipend for one hour — ensuring we are able to offer accessible programming for all students. A $500 donation would provide seed funding for our Doing Good students’ entrepreneurial, community service projects.

Every donation, no matter how big or small, makes a difference in the lives of our students.

Donate today.

30. Project H.O.M.E.

Be the change 

Starting on Tuesday, December 1, Project HOME is participating in #GivingTuesday, a global celebration of giving. You can double your impact by making a gift today.

All gifts contributed to Project HOME’s #GivingTuesday campaign through December 4 will once again be matched through the leadership and generosity of the Gene and Marlene Epstein Humanitarian Fund up to a total of $10,000!

Your donation today will help us meet our match and, more importantly, provide someone who is experiencing homelessness with the gift of being able to say, “I’m going HOME.”

Donate today.

31. Public Interest Law Center

One donation, double the impact

2020 has undoubtedly been a difficult year. We’ve been here through it all, defending tenants from illegal evictions, fighting to protect our right to vote, and so much more.

We are ready to continue working with our communities to advance justice together, but we need your support. Giving Tuesday is a wonderful opportunity for anyone to get involved in our work with a first-time donation or a renewal of last year’s Giving Tuesday gift.

And this year, thanks to a generous matching gift from Reed Smith LLP, your donation will be matched $1-for-$1, up to $10,000.

Donate today.

32. Rebuilding Together Philadelphia

33. Share Food Program

Share Food Program leads the fight against food insecurity in the Philadelphia region by serving an expansive, quality partner network of community-based organizations and school districts engaged in food distribution, education and food justice advocacy. Serving more than 1 million family members and neighbors in need, in the Philadelphia five-county region, Share each month:

  • Harvests more than 500 pounds of food from our onsite Nice Roots Farm, and offers this fresh produce at extremely discounted cost at local farmers markets
  • Works with more than 1,000 volunteers, who are still helping amid Covid-19, to support food packing, home delivery and neighborhood canvassing
  • Delivers more than 3,500 meals to the doors of seniors and people with disabilities who are vulnerable to Covid-19
  • Provides food to more than 6,500 seniors through our Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)
  • Provides nutrition for more than 305,000 children in nearly 70 school districts through our National School Lunch Program (NSLP)

Today, from 1 to 4 p.m.: Giving Tuesday with Local Music Group, Low Cut Connie
A select number of fans, aka Tough Cookies, will celebrate Giving Tuesday by volunteering to pack food boxes in the Share warehouse, then enjoy a live acoustic set by Low Cut Connie.
Learn about Share volunteer opportunities: www.sharefoodprogram.org/get-involved/

Today, all day: Giving Tuesday #FoodBankChallenge Launch with Law Firm, Greenberg Traurig
Philadelphia office of Greenberg Traurig will launch a holiday campaign in support of Share Food Program. Follow on Facebook @sharefood, and Twitter @sharefoodphilly

34. Spruce Foundation

35. Vetri Community Partnership

36. Women’s Medical Fund

Abortion access. Now. Always.

Did you know that since the start of the pandemic Women’s Medical Fund has seen their average pledge per caller rise from $141 to $175? WMF needs your support now more than ever.

This Giving Tuesday, choose to support PA’s oldest and largest abortion fund! Any new and increased gifts will be matched, up to $5k. Gifts of any size make a difference!

We will choose five random individuals who donate between NOW and MIDNIGHT TUESDAY 12/1 to receive some WMF swag!

Donate today.

37. Youth Art & Self-Empowerment Project


Giving Tuesday

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