Power moves: Jennifer Lowman is West Philadelphia Alliance for Children’s new executive director

West Philadelphia Alliance for Children (WePAC) — a nonprofit that promotes childhood literacy by engaging volunteers in Philadelphia public schools through reopening and staffing libraries — recently appointed Jennifer Lowman as its executive director.
Lowman joins WePAC after 12 years serving as director of client services and training and as a senior staff attorney at the Education Law Center. She also serves as school board director for the Cheltenham School District.
“I am thrilled to have joined WePAC as it does the vitally important work of ensuring that children in Philadelphia public elementary schools have access to high-quality books and literacy enrichment programs,” Lowman told Generocity via email. “In our vision, every Philadelphia student will be empowered with the literacy skills vital to the success of the child and the prosperity of our community.”
She added: “We have currently reopened 18 school libraries that were closed due to devastating state and local budget cuts in the late 1990s and early 2000, and we are on our way to reopening our 19th library in the fall.”
Lowman holds a bachelor’s degree from Lehigh University and her law degree from Harvard Law School.
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