Wednesday, January 22, 2025



6 things we know about you

October 28, 2021 Category: FeaturedResultsShort
The results of our 2021 community survey are in, and they reveal something about you — our readers, our community — and something about us.

We’ll get to some results, but first a caveat: our survey had 115 respondents — which constitutes only about 2% of our total newsletter readership — so keep in mind that the responses come from those folks who are actively engaged or went out of their way to complete the survey — and likely does not fully represent those who have chosen not to participate in this particular fact-finding effort.

With that in mind, let’s jump in.

1. While some of you are philanthropists, and others are activists, the majority of you are nonprofit professionals.

The category of “other” included mostly consultants.

2. Most of you are managers or part of the leadership team at your orgs, followed closely by staff members and EDs/CEOs.

3. You have loads of professional experience — the 10-20 yr.  and 20+ yr. categories far outstrip all other options.

4. Most of you work at organizations with 50 or fewer employees.

From our Partners

5. Almost all of you work in Philadelphia.

Now, here is where the responses tell us something about Generocity, too.

The fact that there were no respondents from Bucks or Delaware counties seems to indicate that our reach isn’t what it should be out in the collar counties. It is something we will definitely keep in mind in order to better engage community members across the region. (An interesting little factoid about this graph — the majority of people who chose “other” work in Harrisburg.)

One of the surprises in the responses we received had to do with what you look to Generocity to provide.

6. You want us to focus on trends.

Respondents to this survey question were allowed to pick only one among the choices they were given, and “News about trends within the sector” outstrips everything else (37% of respondents). A remote second (18% of respondents) is “news about research and data.”

“Job listings” — which I thought would be the top choice — only proved to be most important to 9% of you.

There is a lot more information to sort through in the survey results, and we’ll be finding ways to share that information with you, and to be responsive to what what the information indicates.


Our inbox is open Send us your reactions to all, or any, of this — and any questions related to it you might have.



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