Sunday, May 19, 2024




PSA: Good fundraisers don’t always make good managers method

Nov. 27, 2018 10:30 am

PSA: Good fundraisers don’t always make good managers

Ever heard of the Peter principle? Columnist Valerie Johnson offers some hiring tips for nonprofit development teams.
Those holiday how-to articles on where to donate your money? Tread carefully funding

Nov. 5, 2018 11:25 am

Those holiday how-to articles on where to donate your money? Tread carefully

Philanthropic giving guides drive columnist and fundraiser Valerie Johnson crazy. Here's why, and her advice on avoiding bad advice.
Here’s what it takes to bake almost 10,000 pies for MANNA’s Thanksgiving fundraiser method

Oct. 26, 2018 1:32 pm

Here’s what it takes to bake almost 10,000 pies for MANNA’s Thanksgiving fundraiser

Over a few weekends in September, October and November, roughly 400 volunteers make enough pies to raise about $300,000 each year. For one afternoon, reporter Peak Johnson was one of them.
Why the fundraising profession is custom-built for mentorship method

Oct. 10, 2018 9:45 am

Why the fundraising profession is custom-built for mentorship

Columnist Valerie Johnson on how beneficial relationships with more senior professionals can be for young nonprofit staffers — and vice versa.
The saga of Johnny Bobbitt holds a lesson for nonprofit fundraisers: Tell better stories funding

Aug. 30, 2018 10:06 am

The saga of Johnny Bobbitt holds a lesson for nonprofit fundraisers: Tell better stories

Development pros must channel the same inspiration that prompted 14,000 people to donate a collective $400,000 to one man experiencing homelessness when sharing their organizations' missions, writes columnist Valerie Johnson.
After an assist from an Eagles player, Philly FUNDamentals is upping its fundraising goal funding

Aug. 21, 2018 4:49 pm

After an assist from an Eagles player, Philly FUNDamentals is upping its fundraising goal

Proceeds from Lane Johnson's underdog tees helped the Fund for the School District for Philadelphia raise over $400,000 last season. Here's how President and CEO Donna Frisby-Greenwood says the nonprofit is revamping its strategy.
You don’t need Lenfest wealth to make a difference funding

Aug. 16, 2018 12:45 pm

You don’t need Lenfest wealth to make a difference

Fundraisers: Stop spending time strategizing about how you might be able to get to those bigwigs who have already committed the bulk of their giving to other nonprofits, and start paying attention to the next generation of philanthropists.
Nationalities Service Center just launched a Fund for Immigrant Justice funding

Jul. 16, 2018 12:14 pm

Nationalities Service Center just launched a Fund for Immigrant Justice

Amidst funding cuts and an increased workload, the immigrant and refugee service agency is fundraising to hire a full-time attorney to serve low-income clients for free.
3 ways fundraisers can stay in touch with donors year-round funding

Jul. 9, 2018 7:00 am

3 ways fundraisers can stay in touch with donors year-round

Summer may feel like the slow season, but development pros should never take a vacation from relationship building, writes columnist Valerie Johnson.
Make this and every summer the Summer of Giving for Philly nonprofits funding

Jun. 20, 2018 7:35 am

Make this and every summer the Summer of Giving for Philly nonprofits

June 30 is the end of the fiscal year for many organizations. Help them balance the books with a donation before you leave for vacation.