Sep. 10, 2021 2:49 pm
20 years post-9/11, the links between Islamophobia and Muslim American suicide remain unexplored
The victim of Islamophobic violence and survivor of a suicide attempt, guest columnist Amelia Noor-Oshiro is the first self-identifying Muslim American to receive NIH funding to conduct grassroots mental health research within the American Muslim community.

Aug. 18, 2021 3:04 pm
Kids wrestled with depression, eating disorders and other mental health issues amid the pandemic, research finds
Recent studies examining COVID-19's impact on mental health also find differences among groups of students such as high school athletes.

Jun. 29, 2021 9:35 am
Dennis and Lee Horton say their own grief and trauma helped them to help others
"Police are trained to pull a gun. We need people trained to deal with people in crisis. And we know it works because we’ve done it on the inside," say the brothers, who are Certified Peer Specialists and Wellness Recovery and Action Plan facilitators.

Jun. 28, 2021 2:15 pm
Life after COVID: How can people be so lonely yet so nervous about refilling their social calendars?
Neuroscience can offer insights into how social isolation and resocialization affect the brain, says guest columnist Kareem Clark.

Jun. 24, 2021 9:00 am
PA data: Opioid overdoses spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic
There was a modest national decline in overdose mortality from prescription opioids from 2017 to 2019, but the COVID-19 pandemic has upended many of these advances, say researchers from Penn State.

Jun. 8, 2021 3:17 pm
The new normal means centering mental health to recover
It is common for the populace to suffer deteriorating mental health — as evidenced by an uptick in such indicators as substance use, domestic violence, and suicide attempts — long after the actual disaster.

Jun. 1, 2021 2:55 pm
Going beyond ‘back to normal’ — 5 research-based tips for emerging from pandemic life
How should you choose what to rebuild, what to leave behind and what new paths to try for the first time? Clinical psychological science provides some helpful clues for how to chart your course out of pandemic life, says guest columnist Bethany Teachman.

May 17, 2021 2:31 pm
It’s (almost) time to mix it up at Philly Pours
This year the event will take place via Zoom on June 23 and will feature a virtual mixology experience led by Master Mixologist, Nate Rogers. And, don’t worry, you will get your own mixology kit.

May 14, 2021 3:12 pm
Why genocide survivors can offer a way to heal from the trauma of the pandemic year
The healing process of genocide survivors may offer lessons for post-pandemic recovery, says guest columnist Donald Miller.

Apr. 28, 2021 1:13 pm
Suicide is the leading cause of death for Asian American young adults. Why is no one talking about this?
"The reality is that white supremacy runs so deep in America that even reversing racism would not undo the disparities in health outcomes such as suicide," says guest columist Amelia Noor-Oshiro.