Monday, February 10, 2025



Board of Pardons

Dennis and Lee Horton say their own grief and trauma helped them to help others people

Jun. 29, 2021 9:35 am

Dennis and Lee Horton say their own grief and trauma helped them to help others

"Police are trained to pull a gun. We need people trained to deal with people in crisis. And we know it works because we’ve done it on the inside," say the brothers, who are Certified Peer Specialists and Wellness Recovery and Action Plan facilitators.
Second chances stalled: Advocates wait for pardons on Gov’s desk to be signed purpose

Jan. 26, 2021 12:10 pm

Second chances stalled: Advocates wait for pardons on Gov’s desk to be signed

“[Pardon recommendations] could sit on his desk for two years. He has no accountability to do it or he has nobody pushing him.” Rev. Michelle Simmons tells Generocity contributor Brandon Dorfman in this deep dive into PA's pardons logjam.
Protests in Harrisburg Call for Increased Commutation for Lifers purpose

Sep. 3, 2014 3:18 pm

Protests in Harrisburg Call for Increased Commutation for Lifers

‘ Protesters gathered on the steps of the rotunda in the Capital Building The Pennsylvania Board of Pardons voted on Thursday, August 28, not to grant Avis Lee, who has been imprisoned since she was a teenager, a chance to reduce her sentence of life without parole through the commutation process. Friends and supporters of […]