Saturday, May 18, 2024



criminal justice reform

How a dog, a dream and a death showed Rob Rosa life beyond bars people

Sep. 9, 2016 10:08 am

How a dog, a dream and a death showed Rob Rosa life beyond bars

Rosa was incarcerated for 12 years. Now he's the vice president of prison programs at New Leash On Life USA.
Ceciley Bradford-Jones is working toward a reentry system where providers stay in their lanes people

Sep. 8, 2016 12:49 pm

Ceciley Bradford-Jones is working toward a reentry system where providers stay in their lanes

The Center for Employment Opportunities director has a vision for a more cohesive reentry nonprofit community, free from competitive thinking.
#WeNeedToWork wants government job programs for reentrants and people with disabilities method

Sep. 6, 2016 10:36 am

#WeNeedToWork wants government job programs for reentrants and people with disabilities

Subsidized job programs can help break the cycle of poverty and cut public spending. That's why Community Legal Services and Redeemed have launched an effort to introduce programs in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania at large.
This mother built a business around trips to see her imprisoned friends and family people

Aug. 26, 2016 8:03 am

This mother built a business around trips to see her imprisoned friends and family

Jane Hainey's at-your-door shuttle service, Duals Round Trip Transportation, takes Philadelphians to visit area prisons.
This Penn study reveals more bad news about the impacts of time spent incarcerated results

Aug. 22, 2016 3:03 pm

This Penn study reveals more bad news about the impacts of time spent incarcerated

Can't make bail? That's time in jail before your trial — and a 30 percent higher chance of committing a more serious felony upon release.
Returning citizens need political representation and Bill Cobb has a plan to make it happen people

Aug. 18, 2016 12:57 pm

Returning citizens need political representation and Bill Cobb has a plan to make it happen

Here's how the prison reform advocate wants to increase civic engagement among formerly incarcerated voters like himself.
Why juvenile solitary confinement still happens in Pa. despite federal and state bans purpose

Aug. 16, 2016 11:09 am

Why juvenile solitary confinement still happens in Pa. despite federal and state bans

Loopholes surrounding terminology and definitions have allowed juvenile solitary confinement to persist. The Inquirer reports on the issue locally.
How two frustrated Philly judges are trying to keep former inmates out of prison results

Aug. 2, 2016 8:07 am

How two frustrated Philly judges are trying to keep former inmates out of prison

Founded by judges Michael Erdos and Lisa Rau, the MENTOR Program expects its pilot to graduate 14 out of 26 participants. Program Director Carly Friedman is optimistic.