Thursday, May 2, 2024




Check out how ballet made a difference in students with disabilities purpose

Sep. 18, 2017 11:05 am

Check out how ballet made a difference in students with disabilities

Tomorrow is the premiere of a documentary from nonprofit Art-Reach titled "I Am," which follows the journey of six high school students with disabilities learning and performing an original choreographed piece with dancers from Pennsylvania Ballet.
PEP Bowl is hosting a good ol’ fashioned bowling tournament this weekend funding

Mar. 31, 2017 11:00 am

PEP Bowl is hosting a good ol’ fashioned bowling tournament this weekend

The bowling alley that employs people with disabilities is raising money for its job training and placement services.
The penal system is failing deaf inmates. Here’s what advocacy groups are doing about it results

Mar. 17, 2017 12:26 pm

The penal system is failing deaf inmates. Here’s what advocacy groups are doing about it

Across the country and in Philadelphia, there is ample evidence that police departments and prisons do not provide adequate resources for deaf inmates.
EvoXLabs has a new program for students interested in accessible tech purpose

Dec. 1, 2016 9:42 am

EvoXLabs has a new program for students interested in accessible tech

Want to scrape data, move web accessibility standards forward and help organize an annual accessibility hackathon?
GlaxoSmithKline just awarded 10 Philly nonprofits $40K each funding

Nov. 21, 2016 10:48 am

GlaxoSmithKline just awarded 10 Philly nonprofits $40K each

Youth sports, safety, housing and community health were the areas of interest this year for the healthcare company.
What this study on the accessibility of U.S. cities gets wrong results

Oct. 4, 2016 8:12 am

What this study on the accessibility of U.S. cities gets wrong

Philly ranks 63 out of 150 on a list of best U.S. cities for people with disabilities. Local accessibility advocate Ather Sharif says Philly isn't perfect, but the study is a bit flawed.
Minority, women and disabled-owned businesses are slowly but surely procuring more city contracts results

Jul. 5, 2016 8:15 am

Minority, women and disabled-owned businesses are slowly but surely procuring more city contracts

Public and private contracts awarded to those businesses are up 1.2 percent from last year, but the city has a long way to go if officials really want that number to better represent city demographics.
These artists with disabilities and college students collab’d to make BioArt purpose

Jun. 10, 2016 9:55 am

These artists with disabilities and college students collab’d to make BioArt

Among other types of art. The partnership had Haverford and Bryn Mawr students linked up with artists from Center for Creative Works for a semester to create a public exhibition.
Here are some key takeaways from The Accessible World’s inaugural year method

May 3, 2016 12:53 pm

Here are some key takeaways from The Accessible World’s inaugural year

The conference was a reminder that we should all have an inherent interest in universal accessible design.
Ather Sharif is grand marshal at this year’s Disability Pride Walk people

Mar. 10, 2016 3:04 pm

Ather Sharif is grand marshal at this year’s Disability Pride Walk

The EvoXLabs founder will lead the walk in June.