Sunday, February 16, 2025




Opinion: Historical underinvestment and continuing discrimination is violence against the AAPI community purpose

May 28, 2021 9:36 am

Opinion: Historical underinvestment and continuing discrimination is violence against the AAPI community

When we discuss housing and rent affordability in Philadelphia, when we discuss the need to secure and extend public benefits, when we discuss wage theft — we must include the AAPI community in our campaigns, says guest columnist Kee Tobar.
Darnella Frazier’s video was key to Chauvin conviction. Young people are key to achieving justice purpose

Apr. 21, 2021 7:00 am

Darnella Frazier’s video was key to Chauvin conviction. Young people are key to achieving justice

Columnist Ami Patel Hopkins offers resources for educators and parents to continue to empower students and children to use their voices — as 17-year-old Darnella did — and to hold people accountable.
Want to build an organization of belonging? purpose

Jan. 26, 2021 3:10 pm

Want to build an organization of belonging?

"We have to recognize we haven’t gotten it right and that getting different voices in the room is not enough," says guest columnist Cheryl Thompson-Morton.
Nonprofits, we need to move away from the hierarchical decision-making model purpose

Jan. 14, 2021 10:06 am

Nonprofits, we need to move away from the hierarchical decision-making model

Guest columnist Sam Chenkin offers four ideas of how to share power with the people you serve.
New Century Trust is renamed the Gender Justice Fund, launches new website purpose

Aug. 10, 2020 10:00 am

New Century Trust is renamed the Gender Justice Fund, launches new website

Gender Justice Fund will focus on eradicating all forms of gender-based oppression through trust-based philanthropy, systems change, culture change, and movement building. 
Restorative justice still matters purpose

Jul. 30, 2020 7:49 am

Restorative justice still matters

Bethesda Project's Church Shelter Program has been rethinking its approach to disciplinary action since before COVID-19. But the pandemic represents an important opportunity to revisit these changes and reflect on why they still matter. 
As protests and unrest grip the nation, how should Philly nonprofits respond? people

Jun. 1, 2020 3:58 pm

As protests and unrest grip the nation, how should Philly nonprofits respond?

We asked nonprofit professionals and leaders across the sector, and got a good number of answers. But we'd like to hear from more of the sector's leadership.
How to disrupt a nonprofit board (and how not to stand in the way) purpose

Feb. 3, 2020 11:30 am

How to disrupt a nonprofit board (and how not to stand in the way)

Urban Tree Connection's board disruption included eliminating the geographic disconnect between the board and those they served; completely changing the board recruitment approach, and acknowledging the political context of the organization's mission.
Platos fuertes: Reflections on my visit to the desert borderlands purpose

Dec. 25, 2019 11:00 am

Platos fuertes: Reflections on my visit to the desert borderlands

Roughly 10 weeks have passed since guest columnist Brian Villa left the southern border, but the impact of what he witnessed remains. At the holiday table, he and his family will set an empty place as a reminder and call to action.
Emergency shelter is not prison, but there are overlapping human rights concerns  method

Dec. 24, 2019 6:30 am

Emergency shelter is not prison, but there are overlapping human rights concerns 

In his most recent think piece, guest columnist Andrew Huff encourages emergency shelters to begin reformulating their disciplinary protocols to align with restorative justice practices.