Mar. 5, 2015 11:30 am
Indego, How Philly Moves, Fighting for Schools: Philly, this is your February Impact
There were almost too many great things happening this month – here’s some highlights of what’s been going on around Philly. Have a moment you’d like to share? You can add to this list or email me at mo@generocity.org! [listly id=”ZZE” layout=”magazine” show_header=”false” show_author=”false” show_sharing=”false” show_tools=”true” per_page=”25″]

Feb. 18, 2015 1:24 pm
More than 100 Next Great City Members Give Recommendations for Next Mayoral Term
On Wednesday, February 18, Next Great City announced the six initiatives of its 2015 policy agenda, which is designed to lead to renewed investment, energy and strength in the city‘s neighborhoods while supporting sustainable practices and an effective city government. More than 100 Next Great City Coalition members participated in three town hall style meetings to help identify the […]