Aug. 28, 2015 3:20 pm
Nonprofits — learn about capacity building at this resource fair
WOMEN’S WAY, Bread & Roses Community Fund and The Philadelphia Foundation are partnering to provide nonprofits in the Greater Philadelphia region with a day-long capacity building event. At the event, nonprofit leaders and board members can receive information about consulting services from a variety of providers, attend workshops on topics relevant to your operations, hear […]
Aug. 28, 2015 9:14 am
Philly Food Finder app makes finding affordable food easier
Twenty-two percent of Philadelphians are food insecure — unsure of where their next meal is coming from. The Philadelphia Food Policy Advisory Council’s Anti-Hunger Subcommittee saw the need for a food resources toolkit that consolidated information about how to get affordable, healthy food in Philadelphia. So it gathered and compiled reliable information about different types […]
Aug. 26, 2015 11:43 am
PACA is launching a program to help train co-op leaders
Currently, no program really exists to train people with the skills that can make them a good leader across different types of co-ops, so PACA (Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance) is launching the Cooperative Leadership Institute (CLI), a rigorous training program for individual leaders working within cooperatives. While programs exist to train leaders in food co-ops […]
Aug. 25, 2015 2:33 pm
Mayor Nutter is calling out U.S. Mayors to create climate action plans
Michael A. Nutter, Mayor Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles, and Mayor Annise Parker of Houston, kicked off the #ClimateMayors twitter campaign today, with 100 days left before the opening of the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21) in Paris, France on November 30, 2015. The three […]
Aug. 25, 2015 10:18 am
Is your neighborhood one of the 7 to receive free trees this fall?
Launched in response to Mayor Nutter’s Greenworks goal to make sure each Philadelphia neighborhood has at least 30 percent tree canopy coverage, TreePhilly help locals connect with the resources they need to plant and care for their own urban forests. So far, it’s helped provide 15,177 free trees in Philadelphia. Yesterday, TreePhilly announced the fall […]
Aug. 24, 2015 11:15 am
Takeaways from Azavea’s Summer of Map fellows, analyzing geospatial data for city orgs
For the past four years, Azavea has been partnering student GIS analysts with nonprofits who have geospatial data analysis needs in its Summer of Maps fellowship program. This year three fellows each worked with two nonprofits: Kevin Frech assessed human impacts on Maine’s harbors for Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science and analyzed […]
Aug. 21, 2015 10:45 am
LSH gears up for its second job readiness program after successful first run
Lutheran Settlement House is currently wrapping up a pilot of its new Customer Service Training program before launching a second larger scale cohort. The primary goals for the Customer Service Training Program included identifying occupations with the most job growth and providing adult learners with tangible skills to succeed in those markets. Additionally, LSH wanted […]
Aug. 20, 2015 12:37 pm
Stoneleigh Foundation fellows need organizations to work with — is that you?
The Stoneleigh Foundation’s Emerging Leader Fellowship provides a hands-on experience for young professionals interested in policy analysis, research, or advocacy. Currently, the foundation is seeking applications from local nonprofits, academic institutions and government entities interested in hosting a Stoneleigh Emerging Leader Fellow. Fellows will work collaboratively with a host organization to execute a project […]
Aug. 19, 2015 10:10 am
Clean Air Council’s Greenfest Philly is turning 10 on September 13
The Clean Air Council’s Greenfest Philly, the largest environmental festival in the Philadelphia area, will host its 10th annual festival on September 13. The festival has over 100 exhibitors and vendors and is a place to learn about living sustainably in Philadelphia while having fun.The event offers a wide variety of activities, including shopping for […]
Aug. 18, 2015 11:51 am
The City’s ‘Innovator in Residence’ employee swap program has officially kicked off
The City’s ‘Innovator in Residence’ program, part of the City’s Office of Innovation & Technology, swaps City employees with employees in local businesses about once a week for three hours to help solve problems within each organization. According to Andrew Buss, the Director of Innovation Management at the City’s Office of Innovation & Technology, the […]