Jul. 1, 2021 3:31 pm
In ‘Faces of Courage’ the collaboration of artist and nonprofit becomes more than documentation
The collaboration between Harvey Finkle and New Sanctuary Movement could perhaps serve as a model for other nonprofits and other artists. The key, according to Finkle, is that it be a true collaboration.
Feb. 15, 2021 3:40 pm
Juntos releases results of yearlong survey on immigrant and refugee safety at Philly schools
The School District of Philadelphia recently updated their ‘Immigrant and Refugee Toolkit’ for teachers, staff and administrators, but according to Juntos' survey, only 28% of the respondents had read it.
May 15, 2020 9:33 am
Restoring this $200K to the budget for FY21 could literally save lives, say nonprofit leaders
The City's funding for PAIFUP — Philadelphia's successful public defender program for immigrants facing deportation — has quietly been zeroed out of the mayor's revised proposed budget.
Apr. 30, 2020 8:22 am
Cómo refugiarse en sitio: 4 lecciones extraídas de vivir en santuario
Carmela Apolonio Hernández, quien ha vivido dentro de una iglesia durante más de dos años, habla sobre como crear una vida plena durante estos momentos de estrés.
Apr. 1, 2020 5:27 pm
How to successfully shelter in place: 4 lessons learned from living in sanctuary
Carmela Apolonio Hernández, who has lived inside a church for more than two years, talks about how to create a full life in just a few rooms during stress-filled times.
Nov. 27, 2019 9:25 am
On Thanksgiving and sanctuary: A reflection
Our U.S. Thanksgiving origin story makes Carmela Apolonio Hernández's action at 10 a.m. today especially poignant.
Aug. 28, 2019 2:34 pm
Artist activists, policy lobbyists, early childhood educators: The great diversities in making a difference
Guest columnists Eric Hartman and Stephanie Keene lay out the five types of justice work they’ve identified through research and practice.