Apr. 10, 2024 8:00 am
Government Can’t Save Us, But, Don’t Hurt Us: Philly to Harrisburg
We tend to look at government as the holy grail of some sort, the reality is, every system has its limitations.

Aug. 19, 2021 2:35 pm
Let the LRC know — It’s time to end prison gerrymandering
Prison gerrymandering is the practice of counting incarcerated people as residents of their cells instead of their hometowns. It isn't equitable and it isn't legal, says guest columnist Brenda Marrero.

Aug. 6, 2021 3:37 pm
Come January, David Thornburgh won’t be CEO of Committee of Seventy. But he’ll still be working for better government
Moving into the role of senior advisor at the nonpartisan organization, Thornburgh plans to focus his efforts on fair redistricting and open primaries for Independent voters.

Aug. 6, 2021 10:44 am
The federal foreclosure moratorium has ended. Here’s what to do to save your home
It is not too late for delinquent homeowners with government-backed mortgages to get into forbearance, says Rachel Labush from Community Legal Services.

Jun. 30, 2021 3:48 pm
New report details benefits of increasing WIC enrollment, but longtime providers fear PA is trying to dismantle the program
Research shows the WIC program improves long-term outcomes for women and children. Participants have healthier babies who are more likely to be immunized, score higher on assessments of mental development and have lower incidences of obesity.

May 26, 2021 8:34 am
PA county govs map out how they will use American Rescue Plan money while state dithers
According to experts, one of the most under-discussed aspects of ARP is that it represents "not only the largest positive fiscal jolt to state and local budgets in decades, but also the one most supportive of local discretion."

Feb. 22, 2021 2:09 pm
Does the local nonprofit sector have the collective agency to make change and move us toward just recovery?
“It is hard to find balance between doing the work and finding the energy and resources to argue at City Hall," says Farrah Parkes of Gender Justice Fund.

Dec. 4, 2020 4:42 pm
Facing a cliff: Is this the end of pandemic support and relief?
83 million people are still struggling with basic needs. The number of small businesses has fallen by 3.3 million. And by Dec, 31, all the help the CARES Act offered ends.

Jul. 2, 2020 10:00 am
Opinion: Costs of the pandemic to local, state governments must be covered by the federal government
Unless the federal government provides funding to make up the losses, there will be a catastrophic retreat from progress, says guest columnist Robert Brand.

Mar. 20, 2020 11:56 am
Union and workers reclassified as ‘essential’ claim that the PA Department of Human Services is endangering their safety
“In many cases, the protection of these workers appears to come second to that of the communities they serve,” says Steve Catanese, president of SEIU Local 668.