Monday, February 10, 2025



City Council

No More Plastic Bags: Councilman Squilla Proposes Single-use Bag Fee purpose

Apr. 24, 2015 1:23 pm

No More Plastic Bags: Councilman Squilla Proposes Single-use Bag Fee

Yesterday Councilman Mark Squilla introduced single use bag legislation that would impose a small fee (five cents) for anyone who uses a single use bag when making a purchase from a retail establishment. The fee would be imposed on both plastic and paper bags. Reducing bags is an easy way to tackle the City’s ongoing […]
Good Economy Philly Challenge Asks City Council & Mayoral Candidates Thoughts on Small Business & Sustainability method

Apr. 9, 2015 11:45 am

Good Economy Philly Challenge Asks City Council & Mayoral Candidates Thoughts on Small Business & Sustainability

For the past eight years, sustainability has been a key goal for the City of Philadelphia. That’s why Sustainable Business Network created its issue campaign, the Good Economy Challenge, with the goal of engaging with the incoming candidates on the importance of a continuous focus on the sustainable economy, with small business as a centerpiece. Focus […]
March was full of do-gooders– check them out purpose

Apr. 2, 2015 11:15 am

March was full of do-gooders– check them out

In this this month’s Mo-Ments in Philly Social Impact, there were too many things to include them all, so here are your highlights! Have something you’d like to share for April’s roundup? Email me at [listly  id=”bIO” layout=”magazine” show_header=”false” show_author=”false” show_sharing=”false” show_tools=”false” per_page=”25″]
Fight for $15 Minimum Wage Reaches City Hall purpose

Mar. 5, 2015 2:05 pm

Fight for $15 Minimum Wage Reaches City Hall

Shirin, a long-time West Philadelphia resident, waited outside City Hall yesterday to attend a hearing on raising the minimum wage. “All my life I’ve worked for minimum wage,” said Shirin, who declined to give her last name so as not to alienate future employers. Over the last 30 years, she has worked as a restaurant […]
Councilman Kenyatta Johnson Introduces Bill Creating Tax Credit for Workforce Development method

Feb. 26, 2015 11:44 am

Councilman Kenyatta Johnson Introduces Bill Creating Tax Credit for Workforce Development

Councilman Kenyatta Johnson introduced a bill today that would create a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for businesses that contribute to workforce development. “This tax credit will make skilled labor positions more available by encouraging businesses to invest in low-cost skill certification programs,” Johnson said. “This will employ folks with higher paying jobs, increase our tax base […]
Azavea’s Summer of Maps is Helping Nonprofits With Free GIS Work Again method

Jan. 16, 2015 12:35 pm

Azavea’s Summer of Maps is Helping Nonprofits With Free GIS Work Again

Nonprofits nationwide can now submit an application to be considered for the pro bono geospatial data analysis projects done by fellows in Azavea’s Summer of Maps program. From June to August, the selected nonprofit organizations will receive pro bono services from a skilled student GIS analyst who will help geographically analyze data provided by the […]
Councilman Henon’s Office Wraps Philly Play Summer Challenge people

Aug. 22, 2014 10:10 am

Councilman Henon’s Office Wraps Philly Play Summer Challenge

Councilman Bobby Henon and staff wrapped up their Philly Play Summer Challenge initiative on Wednesday, August 13 at Vogt Recreation Center in Northeast Philadelphia, garnering 3,000 attendees. “Philly Play turned out to be a bigger project than any of us expected,” the councilman said. Philly Play, which was created by Henon in 2013 in his […]
With $1 Million More to Award, Philadelphia Cultural Fund Opens Grantmaking on August 1 people

Jul. 14, 2014 12:41 pm

With $1 Million More to Award, Philadelphia Cultural Fund Opens Grantmaking on August 1

With a larger budget, the Philadelphia Cultural Fund is gearing up for its annual grantmaking process, which opens on August 1. The taxpayer-funded nonprofit makes annual grants to nearly 280 arts and cultural organizations across the city, and thanks to some dedicated grassroots lobbying — and the approval of City Council — it is preparing […]
The Sustainable Business Network Calls for a Permanent Mayor’s Office of Sustainability people

May 6, 2014 3:54 pm

The Sustainable Business Network Calls for a Permanent Mayor’s Office of Sustainability

City initiatives focused on the issue of sustainability may seem like the norm in Philadelphia, but this focus is in large part due to the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability, which is a temporary agency established by the Nutter Administration in 2009. Councilmembers Blondell Reynolds Brown and Jim Kenney have proposed a bill to make the […]
City Council President Darrell Clarke Announces Plan to Build 1,500 Units of Affordable Housing people

Mar. 20, 2014 10:48 am

City Council President Darrell Clarke Announces Plan to Build 1,500 Units of Affordable Housing

Martin Luther King Plaza in South Philadelphia, an affordable housing development completed in 2011. Image via Flickr user Payton Chung City Council President Darrell Clarke announced a plan on Monday for the city to subsidize the construction of 1,500 affordable housing units. The plan calls for 1,000 rental units and 500 ownership units located in […]