Jan. 21, 2016 9:45 am
How this Camden-based nonprofit is using GIS to prevent water crisis
Hopeworks 'N Camden is employing youth to collect and map water asset data.

Jun. 30, 2014 12:14 pm
Last Day to Comment on DVRPC’s Regional Transportation Plan
Screenshot of map of TIP projects developed by DVRPC The Delaware Valley Regional Transportation Commission (DVRPC) is accepting public comments until 5:00 pm today on the region’s Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). The plan outlines transportation projects that intend to use federal funds over a four year period and is required for the region to receive […]

May 14, 2014 12:05 pm
Ride of Silence to Honor Cyclists Killed or Injured in Motor Vehicle Accidents
2012 Ride of Silence via Philly Bicycle Coalition’s Flickr This past Saturday, May 10, NBC Philadelphia reported that a 38-year-old bicyclist was killed near 2nd and Girard in Northern Liberties when he was struck by a car. In the past 11 months, five bicyclists have been killed in accidents with motor vehicle accidents in the Delaware […]

May 12, 2014 11:56 am
DVRPC Maps Transit-Oriented Development
Screenshot of DVRPC’s Smart Growth Project Database Transit ridership continues to rise in Greater Philadelphia, and planners and developers are increasingly placing developments nearby public transit. The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC), the metropolitan planning organization for Greater Philadelphia and South Jersey, is attempting to track these developments through its Smart Growth Project Database. The Smart […]

May 6, 2014 12:20 pm
Washington Square West Debates Specifics of Improvement District
With municipal services such as street cleaning still in short supply, even Philadelphia’s most prosperous neighborhoods are looking for new ways to improve themselves. The Washington Square West Civic Association (WSWCA), which covers the area between Seventh and Broad and Chestnut and South streets, is getting ready to gather public input on a Neighborhood Improvement District […]

Apr. 30, 2014 12:03 pm
Gearing Up Increases Graduates of their Earn-A-Bike program by 218 Percent
The four-year old nonprofit Gearing Up has made an effort to track its community impact through comprehensive annual reports. Its latest report, looking at 2013, was released last week, and the data shows increases in participation and effectiveness. “Data is really important to Gearing Up so that we can quantify our work and learn from […]

Apr. 1, 2014 1:00 pm
William Penn Foundation Announces Multi-Year, Multi-State Investment in Delaware River Watershed
(Image courtesy of the William Penn Foundation) The William Penn Foundation announced today that it’s offering $35 million in grants to protect the Delaware River Watershed. The funding will go towards over 40 national and regional environmental organizations that are joining together to protect and restore critical sources of drinking water for 15 million people […]

Mar. 27, 2014 1:27 pm
Bicycling News Roundup
Biker rounding turn on Schuylkill River Trail. Photo via Flickr user Barbara L. Slavin With the cold weather slowly – painfully – subsiding, the city’s streets, bike lanes and trails will likely see an uptick in commuters, exercisers and tourists. But what is the state of the infrastructure waiting for them? The off-and-on freezing and thawing […]

Jan. 15, 2014 11:01 am
Committee Forms to Create a Memorial Park at the Site of the 22nd & Market St. Building Collapse
The hard, flattened dirt visible at the site of the June 2013 building collapse at 22nd and Market is a firm reminder that the incident has left an indelible mark on the city itself. But the question of what will become of the empty lot has been overshadowed by high-profile trials, debate in City Council […]

Nov. 21, 2013 3:12 pm
For the First Time, PA State Transportation Bill Designates Funding for Bicycling Infrastructure
The PA House and Senate both passed a $2.3 billion transportation bill that for the first time will designate state funding to bicycling and pedestrian infrastructure. Most of the funding will go towards bridges, roads and mass transit, but the bill also calls for the creation of a $144 million multimodal fund for railways, airports, […]