Wednesday, May 1, 2024




Read about this map of ESL classes in Philly — in English, and in Spanish purpose

Aug. 8, 2017 12:13 pm

Read about this map of ESL classes in Philly — in English, and in Spanish reporter Roberto Torres' translation of his story about the city's map reminded us of the importance of accessibility.
#PTW17 is here. Get psyched with these 20 impact-tinged events purpose

Apr. 28, 2017 12:55 pm

#PTW17 is here. Get psyched with these 20 impact-tinged events

Philly Tech Week presented by Comcast starts today. Here's our short list of must-attend events for nonprofit pros and the like.
10 Philly Meetup groups for impact aficionados purpose

Apr. 21, 2017 11:18 am

10 Philly Meetup groups for impact aficionados

Our updated list of local social groups for nonprofit professionals and more.
Art-Reach and FringeArts are teaming up for a ‘radically accessible’ Martha Graham Cracker Cabaret method

Jan. 18, 2017 12:57 pm

Art-Reach and FringeArts are teaming up for a ‘radically accessible’ Martha Graham Cracker Cabaret

The performance will feature an ASL interpreter, audio description and visual captioning. It's something more arts organizations should consider doing, said Art-Reach ED John Orr.
EvoXLabs has a new program for students interested in accessible tech purpose

Dec. 1, 2016 9:42 am

EvoXLabs has a new program for students interested in accessible tech

Want to scrape data, move web accessibility standards forward and help organize an annual accessibility hackathon?
What this study on the accessibility of U.S. cities gets wrong results

Oct. 4, 2016 8:12 am

What this study on the accessibility of U.S. cities gets wrong

Philly ranks 63 out of 150 on a list of best U.S. cities for people with disabilities. Local accessibility advocate Ather Sharif says Philly isn't perfect, but the study is a bit flawed.
How EvoXLabs is helping open up the city’s HIV data purpose

Aug. 24, 2016 2:22 pm

How EvoXLabs is helping open up the city’s HIV data

The city's Office of HIV Planning keeps data in a 400-page PDF document. EvoXLabs is helping make it accessible for civic hackers.
This Interactive Mechanics fellowship is perfect for people of color method

Jul. 21, 2016 9:06 am

This Interactive Mechanics fellowship is perfect for people of color

The part-time, paid and remote fellowship program is designed to "build capacity for representation and inclusion in the technology field."
Here are some key takeaways from The Accessible World’s inaugural year method

May 3, 2016 12:53 pm

Here are some key takeaways from The Accessible World’s inaugural year

The conference was a reminder that we should all have an inherent interest in universal accessible design.
12 social impact-themed Philly Tech Week events to check out purpose

Apr. 19, 2016 10:51 am

12 social impact-themed Philly Tech Week events to check out

PTW2016 starts next week. Here's what we think should be on your radar (including something called #Failfest.)