Aug. 24, 2021 8:30 am
What traditional philanthropy can learn from Black philanthropy
Think about the fact that Black philanthropy is being celebrated because traditional philanthropy wasn’t designed to and hasn’t met the needs of the Black community for more than 20 years, says guest columnist Monique Curry-Mims.

Aug. 10, 2021 8:43 am
A year after the declarations of ‘Black Lives Matters’, was it all a show?
It’s hard to gauge what has actually changed in most workplaces to create a more equitable and inclusive environment for staff, says Generocity columnist Valerie Johnson.

May 25, 2021 9:20 am
One year after George Floyd’s murder, the words from these stories still resonate
We know that the work of dismantling systemic racism and confronting anti-Blackness is far from over. The words of the nine local folks whose pieces we've excerpted here stand to remind us that there is no more important work to be done.

May 24, 2021 9:51 am
‘We Breathe, We Live: Brotherly Love Protest Stories’ part of ongoing dialogue about race and policing in U.S.
Glenn Holsten's film for Philly's EMOC brings together seven men of various backgrounds, ages and experiences to share their thoughts one year after the killing of George Floyd. Watch it tonight (May 24) at 9 p.m. on WHYY-TV.

Mar. 30, 2021 7:30 am
As Derek Chauvin trial unfolds, 5 essential reads on police violence against Black men
The Conversation's Catesby Holmes highlights stories that offer expert analysis and key background on police violence, Derek Chauvin’s record, and racism in U.S. law enforcement.

Feb. 12, 2021 1:15 pm
Six months into its push to end systemic racism, City gives itself good grade
Still, its Reform, Transformation, and Reconciliation process is less truth and reconciliation — a grassroots-driven process designed to help community members come to terms with past violence and increase awareness of trauma — and more think-tank.

Jan. 14, 2021 2:34 pm
At protests that draw counter-protesters, people on the left more likely to face arrest
In analyzing 64 U.S. protests from 2017 and 2018 where counter-protesters were present and arrests were made, right-leaning protesters account for 8% of total arrests while left-leaning protesters account for 81% of arrests.

Dec. 16, 2020 2:58 pm
The 25 most popular Generocity stories of 2020
Nobody could have guessed what would be on the bingo card this year.

Dec. 3, 2020 1:47 pm
Executive director of Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates resigns after accusations of racism, workplace abuse
After the resignation, the director of a peer reproductive rights nonprofit calls on the PPPA board to ensure that the organization's internal operations reflect its externally-expressed values.

Nov. 16, 2020 12:30 pm
ADVANCE 2020 brings together nonprofit leaders to tackle the region’s most significant crises
Session hosts such as GreenLight Fund’s Omar Woodard, Knight Foundation’s Alberto Ibargüen, and Think & Grow Farms' Jamie Bracey-Green challenged conventional wisdom.